AE4AI Network is a highly collaborative network focused on artificial intelligence discourse in Higher Education. Our academic experts from Asia and Europe are dedicated to advancing AI Governance, AI in Education, and AI for SDGs. Find out more about our work below.
About Us

The AE4AI Network was established by the participants of the ASEF Higher Education Innovation Laboratory project series in October 2023 in Shanghai, China. Its Founding Members are 20 academics and managers of higher education institutions, and alumni of the ASEFInnoLab project.

Launch of the Asia-Europe for Artificial Intelligence Network
26 October 2023
The 4th ASEF Higher Education Innovation Laboratory (ASEFInnoLab4) was co-organized by the Asia-Europe Foundation (ASEF) and Fudan University in Shanghai, China, on 23-28 October 2023.

ASEFInnoLab4 Cohort in the Shanghai Forum
27 October 2023
The Shanghai Forum 2023 kicked off on October 27, with a focus on the theme, “Towards a More Inclusive Globalization: Asia’s New Responsibilities”. Nearly 500 guests from world-renowned think tanks, universities, public and private sectors attended the Forum, with about half of the guests from abroad.

Closing of the ASEFInnoLab5 Online Programme
27 July 2024
The ASEFInnoLab5 online programme culminated last 27 June. Its final cohort of 87 participants come from 31 countries in Asia and Europe—all working on AI-related initiatives in their universities.


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